Notice how the blue line is 1000 fps higher than the little yellow triangle? My fishless summer steelhead season sure has. We had one good stetch of melt-the-mountains sun, and ever since it's been just warm enough to keep the river looking green and soupy, but not quite enough to put a dent in the snow pack.
Luckily I have a few other things to do. Most notably I need to get my arrows closer together on the block before elk season opens.
July is a joker of a month. No hunting opputunities, and fish are few and far between. My empty lines and extra time make me think I'll have enough spare to do everything I want this fall. Talk to me at the end of October when my shoes have holes in the sole and I STILL haven't hit that little creek that has to be full of silvers, or scouted any ponds or sloughs in preperation for duck season, or bought groceries in two months.
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