Saturday, May 5, 2012


I owe you all an apology.

After leaping into this blogging thing with high hopes and rich enthusiasm, my adventures on the streams and stillwaters of the West End came to an abrupt halt when a job opportunity on a charter boat in Alaska came up. I planned on fishing my hind end off up there and writing all about it. The reality is I spent the entire summer rigging stinking herring onto the lines of people who cared less about the fish they where catching than they did about myself, and that is saying something. There were a few bright spots. I met a man who started the first sportsman club in California and led him to his first King Salmon of over 50 pounds. He was a Gentleman of the highest order, and I plan to meet up with him later this year to scratch out some ducks and stripers in California’s marshland. The summer culminated in a family breakdown that nearly cost me and my Father our relationship; Needless to say mending that relationship took precedence over my fly fishing and blogging. I’m back in the game now though. Me and my father are closer than ever, I just moved into my first house, and I have had some great early season success on Lake Quinault thanks to Doug Rose’s post on Maine Trolling streamers earlier this year. I should have a detailed post up about that soon.

I see on my Google analytics that I have been slowly losing my reader base, which is unfortunate, but I owe a thank you to those still sticking with me.

I have decided to dedicate 2012 and 2013 to the Quinault Valley. Unless it’s on the invite of a friend I will fish entirely within the Quinault system. This has always been my home river, and I know how to fish ever inch of this system with conventional gear. I want to be able to say the same about Fly-fishing in two years.

Once again, I am sorry for neglecting this project. I’m going to work hard to get it going back in the right direction.

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